What is drone technology? Uav basic theory research

Uav technology is a technology that uses remote control equipment or automatic operating system to control aircraft. Unlike traditional manned aircraft, drones can fly autonomously and accomplish various tasks through pre-programmed programs or remote control devices without direct human control. Drones can be equipped with cameras, sensors and other equipment to achieve a variety of tasks such as aerial photography, scientific research, military reconnaissance, cargo delivery and so on.

Application field

Drone technology has a wide range of applications in various fields. In the military field, UAVs, through their high mobility and portability, are an important tool for the military to conduct reconnaissance, monitoring and combat hostile targets. In the field of aerial photography, drones can be equipped with high-definition camera equipment to achieve aerial photography, television broadcasting, film production and so on. In the field of agriculture, drones can help farmers make better decisions by carrying a variety of sensors to monitor and analyze real-time data on soil, plants, etc. In addition, drones can also be used in rescue and disaster relief, environmental monitoring, logistics and many other fields.

Socio-economic impact

The emergence and application of UAV technology has had a profound impact on society and economy. First of all, the application of UAV broadens people's vision, can realize the detection and observation of long-distance and unmanned areas, and provides a new means for scientific research and environmental monitoring. Secondly, the application of drones in agriculture, logistics and other fields has improved work efficiency and productivity, and contributed to the rational use of resources and sustainable economic development. Third, drones have played an important role in national defense security, disaster relief and other aspects, providing better security for the country and society.

Uav platform classification

Rotorcraft UAV

Rotorcraft is a type of vehicle that provides lift and attitude adjustment through positive and negative rotation and rotational speed control of multiple fixed pitch propellers (propellers). This definition enables us to accurately understand the rotor structure, lift source and attitude control mode of multi-rotor aircraft.

Fixed-wing UAV

A fixed wing, as the name suggests, is a stationary wing that relies on the wind flowing over the wing to provide lift. Like our usual aircraft, fixed-wing UAVs need to run when they take off and must taxi when they land, but this kind of UAVs have long endurance, high flight efficiency and large loads.

Multi-rotor drone

A flight platform composed of multiple power systems, generally common four-rotor, six-rotor, eight-rotor... Even more rotors. The multi-rotor mechanical structure is very simple, and the power system only requires the motor to be directly connected to the paddle. The advantage is that the machine is simple, can take off and land vertically, the disadvantage is that the endurance time is shortest and the load is small.

Unmanned airship

An airship is a lighter-than-air aircraft, and the biggest difference between it and a hot air balloon is that it has a device for propulsion and control of the flight state. This kind of aircraft is an ideal air platform, whether it is used for air surveillance, patrol, relay communication or air advertising flight, mission carrying test, power wiring, its application range is wide.


An aircraft with flexible wings instead of rigid wings, mostly triangular but sometimes rectangular. The umbrella wing can be folded and stored, and the lift force generated by the oncoming air flow is used after opening. The take-off and landing distance is short, only about 100 meters of the runway, which is often used for transportation, communication, reconnaissance, exploration and scientific investigation.

Flapping-wing UAV

These aircraft were inspired by birds or insects and have small deformable wings. It can take advantage of the aerodynamics of unstable airflow, as well as use muscle-like drives instead of electric motors. On the battlefield, micro drones, especially insect drones, are not easy to attract the attention of the enemy. Even in peacetime, micro-drones are useful tools for detecting nuclear, biological and chemical contamination, searching for disaster survivors, and spying on criminal gangs


Task equipment

It can be divided into investigation and search equipment, surveying and mapping equipment, military special equipment, civilian special equipment and so on. Detection equipment commonly used photoelectric platform, SRA radar, laser rangefinder, surveying and mapping equipment is surveying and mapping radar, aerial camera and so on.

Control station

Uav ground stations are also known as control stations, remote control stations or mission planning and control stations. In a large-scale UAV system, there can be several control stations, and these control stations with different functions are connected through communication equipment to form the UAV ground station system.

The command and dispatch function mainly includes superior command receiving, communication between systems and internal dispatch of systems.

Mission planning functions mainly include flight route planning and replanning, mission load work planning and replanning;

The operation control function mainly includes take-off and landing control, flight control operation, mission load operation and data link control.

Display and record functions mainly include display and record of flight status parameters, track display and record, mission load information display and record.

Four types of hardware:

Data link control, flight control, load control, load data processing and other four types of hardware equipment cabinet or chassis.

Three types of control station modules with different functions:

Command processing center: to formulate tasks and complete the processing and application of payload data, generally through the UAV control station and other indirect realization of UAV control and data reception;

Uav control station: flight control, mission payload control, data link control and communication command.

Load control station:

The function of the load control station is similar to that of the UAV control station, but the load control station can only control the airborne mission equipment of the UAV, and cannot carry out the flight control of the UAV.

Uav technology is a promising and potential technology, and its wide application will bring great convenience to people's production and life. With the continuous development and innovation of technology, drones will play a more important role in more fields and make greater contributions to promoting social progress and economic development.



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